Work Order Statement

The Work Order Statement is a report summarizing work order activity. In contrast to the Work Order Report, the work order statement displays summary information about completed activity with the work order. Instructional information is not included.

The exact appearance of the report depends on the preferences set by your organization and any modifications you make. The following information is only printed on the report conditionally, based on preference settings and the existence of corresponding records:

  • Tasks

  • Labor

  • Parts/Tools

  • Other Costs

  • Labor Report

At the top of the page is a check box used to indicate whether or not All Work Orders in Group should be included in the report. If the check box is selected and the work order is a member of a group, all work orders will be listed sequentially. Each work order will list the work order summary, the tasks, and the labor report, dependent on set preferences. Following this information, a cost summary is displayed for all work orders in the group.

Print the Work Order Statement

  1. Designate whether or not all Work Orders in Group should be included.

  2. Click the Print button in the upper-right corner of the page.

    The system print dialog appears.

  3. Enter any desired settings and click Print.

    The Work Order Charge Statement can also be emailed to a recipient.